Factors that go into Making a College List for Your Kids 

As a financial advisor specializing in problem-solving for my family office clients, I understand the complex interplay of factors that go into creating the perfect list of potential colleges for your student. Here's my take on the three primary considerations: 

  1. Academics - Aligning your student's interests and aspirations with the programs offered by the college is fundamental. For instance, a college without an engineering program wouldn't be suitable for a student keen on pursuing engineering. 

  1. Social Dynamics - The social environment plays a significant role in your student's college experience. A large urban college might not be the best fit if your student comes from a smaller high school or prefers a quieter town. 

  1. Financial Considerations - This is often the most delicate factor as it involves the family's finances. It's critical to consider affordability when listing potential colleges. If it's beyond your budget, there's little sense in aspiring for a high-cost college with a history of not meeting student aid needs. 

Your list of potential colleges will evolve throughout your college planning journey. Starting this process in the junior year of high school can help your student focus their search and filter out unnecessary noise, leading to a more suitable college fit. 

Parents, for a deeper dive into college planning, I invite you to listen to my Emotional Balance Sheet podcast, where I host a discussion with high school guidance counselor and college planning expert Holly Markiecki-Bennetts. Our conversation will equip you with more insights and strategies for navigating this important phase of your child's life. 


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