Helping Parents & Families Change Their Systems 

What do I want most as a financial advisor for the families I work with? 

  • Save more?  Sure. 

  • Spend less?  That would be helpful too. 

  • Address issues to mitigate their family risks?  Absolutely. 

But all these pale in comparison to the one thing that could help parents and families most from a lifestyle and financial perspective: changing their systems. 

The three items I previously listed are goals about the results you want to achieve.  Systems are about the processes that lead to those results. 

One of the critical systems that I want parents and family to focus on is getting clear about their purpose and the objectives that support them.  I have found in working with parents and families that when the purpose is clear, the results will come. 

I help guide parents to determine their purposes and supporting objectives; I don't determine them for them.  They are not mine, they are yours! 

When people own their purpose, they take ownership, and ownership is ingrained with meaning.  When a purpose is meaningful, you will stop at nothing to see it come to life. 

The financial planning system I have developed in wring with parents and families connects your purpose and supporting objectives with your financial scorecard.  This system then reveals the action items needed to achieve your objectives, which supports your purpose. 

This system is what true financial planning is about.  While portfolio management and returns are important, they are not the sole drivers of success in life and financial planning.

If you’d like help aligning your family’s purpose with your financial plan, contact us. We’d love to help!


The Longest Relationship You Will Ever Have 


The Gap Between Expectations and Reality