Why Wait?

As a financial advisor, I have a front-row seat to many people who hate their current career or job. 

Let’s start by asking ourselves a few questions 

  1. What skills do I have or can I learn that I enjoy using? 

  2. Which of these skills will people pay me to use? 

  3. How can I find these people? 

You can probably find ways to increase your income, but you can’t find ways to increase your time.  We all have the same 24 hours in a day.  The question becomes, what do you want to do with those 24 hours?  Continue to “survive” in a job that is sucking the life out of you?  Or, make a conscious decision to figure out what is important to you, which typically involves facing your underlying fears head-on. 

This process sits squarely at a foundational principle of my work, which is that your personal and financial lives are tightly integrated.  Personal decisions you make, such as who you marry, having kids, and your career, have a direct impact on your financial decisions.   

These decisions also have an emotional component, which provides further intrigue and complications. 

Rather than fixating on “retirement,” why not put that same mental energy into figuring out what kind of work we’d never want to retire from? 

When your work is a source of joy for its own sake, you don’t calculate how many dollars you’d need to travel the world or spend time with family in your last few decades. 

Interested in finding out how TAMMA can help you find financial and emotional balance in your life? Book a free alignment meeting here!


What We Really Need Our Money to Do for Us 


Financial Reality Through an Unfiltered Lens: The Honest Instagram