Science says parents of successful kids have these 11 things in common

When my wife sends me a link to read typically it is pretty good.  And usually the article she refers me to will make its way into a post.  Those of you with children will probably find this post the most interesting.Full disclosure, I have no idea where Business Insider comes up with the "psychological research" or "science" to support the 11 common things parents do to raise successful kids but it definitely makes for a great headline.While you will have to access the full list in the article here, I will post three of my favorites below;

  • They have healthy relationships with each other; "Children in high-conflict families, whether intact or divorced, tend to fare worse than children of parents that get along, according to a University of Illinois study review."
  • They're less stressed; "Research shows that if your friend is happy, that brightness will infect you; if she's sad, that gloominess will transfer as well. So if a parent is exhausted or frustrated, that emotional state could transfer to the kids."
  • The moms work; "According to research out of Harvard Business School, there are significant benefits for children growing up with mothers who work outside the home. The study found daughters of working mothers who went to school longer were more likely to have a job in a supervisory role and earned more money — 23% more compared to peers raised by stay-at-home mothers."

I chose these three because in my experience in marriage and parenting, these are all correlated with each other and not necessarily in a good way.  When both the mom and dad have dual demanding careers it creates stress. This increased stress can create additional and unnecessary stress within kids.  The buildup of stress with kids and between spouses can create unhealthy relationships with each other and in some cases results in divorce.  This may be one of those posts that I hope that my wife does not read.But advancing the topic a bit more, articles such as these and the posts that I put on our site, I hope would generate additional conversation and thought about what it does take to be a successful parent, investor, or what discipline is required to put together a wealth management plan to name a few topics.  Now I am hoping that my wife does read this post and it spurs additional conversation about how we can work together to be better parents, reduce our stress, and have a healthier relationship.


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