Are You Living a Life Less Ordinary?

One of the greatest risks is living a life where one day, inevitably, you realize everything should have been...more.

This isn't about being greedy or trying to avoid regrets. (See Dan Pink's book on The Power of Regrets)

It is about defining what is enough for you.

So how can you do this? What is the magic formula? Here are three steps that you can try

  1. Expect more of yourself
  2. Redefine what you think is possible for yourself
  3. Re-evaluate your strategy, and when necessary, change it.

Here is an example of an exercise that I try and revisit often. It only takes your time and effort

  • Business/Career
    • I wanted to own my own company
    • I wanted to be important and indispensable to my client families
    • I wanted to be respected in the financial community and for my opinions and efforts to be appreciated
    • I wanted to be introduced by my client families as someone who changes their lives

  • Personally
    • I wanted to have a loving and supportive spouse and partner
    • Be a role model for my kids (maybe even someone who they consider cool🙂 day)
    • Live in a nice house
    • Have a vacation house to build memories with family and friends
    • Not worry about my cash flow

Most people think what I do as a financial advisor is all about numbers and money. But, here is a secret, it's not. The real value I bring to families is helping them determine their purpose to help them lead a less-ordinary life.


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