A Tribute to Camille Jayne

As some readers may know I am a proud supporter of The Community House located here in Birmingham, MI.  The Community House (TCH) is a nonprofit that impacts lives through exceptional educational, social, and outreach experiences.  TCH promises that those we touch will be enriched with a unique combination of heightened learning, camaraderie, and the satisfaction of knowing they are helping others in need."The heartbeat behind TCH for the past several years has been its President and CEO Camille Jayne.  In her time Camille has put together one of the most successful turnarounds within the private or public sectors.With a new successor and a sound support team in place, Camille is moving on from her President and CEO role at TCH and taking the role of Chairwomen of its board.Camille has also been a pillar of support to me and TAMMA.  She has been instrumental in the growth of the firm and even had a strong hand in coming up with the name TAMMA.  I will always be extremely grateful for her guidance and unwavering support and encouragement.David Trott, the newly elected Congressman representing the 11th District here in Michigan, is also the outgoing Board Chair at TCH.  Congressman Trott recently paid tribute to Camille on the Congressional floor regarding the accomplishments and turnaround that Camille helped to lead at TCH. This tribute will be filed permanently in the Library of Congress.Congratulations Camille on this tremendous honor and for all that you have done for TCH, our community, TAMMA, and myself personally.


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