Ep. 118 - Are You Living a Life Less Ordinary? 

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Are you living a life less ordinary?

Imagine waking up one day, taking a moment to reflect on everything you've done, only to realize that everything should have been… well, more. Not in the materialistic sense, but more in-depth, more in enthusiasm, more in meaning. 

This isn't about being greedy or trying to avoid regrets. If you've read Dan Pink's book "The Power of Regrets," you'll understand it's not about regret avoidance. It's more about truly understanding and defining what 'enough' feels like for you.   

Discover the three key steps to redefine your life and unlock your full potential in wealth management. 

  1. Expect more of yourself.  

  1. Redefine what you think is possible for yourself.  

  1. Re-evaluate your strategy, and when necessary, change it. 

The challenge to ask yourself today is, are you living a life less ordinary? Take time to reflect on what 'more' looks like for you and whether you're on that path.  

Resources Featured in This Episode:

Dan Pink – How to Create Success for Yourself

The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward

Developing a Growth Mindset with Carol Dweck


Ep. 119 - Toby Brooks – Savoring The Now: Mid-Career Pivots and the Human Experience 


Ep. 117 - Ann Coleman – Parenting and Emotional Wellness: Strategies for Navigating Adolescence