Ep. 153 – Megan Brissette – The College Planning Journey: A Student's Perspective on Academics, Finances and Social Transition

Whether you're a parent looking for guidance on supporting your child through the college planning process or a high school student trying to figure out your own path, this episode is packed with relatable insights and practical advice from a student's perspective.

19-year-old Megan Brissette shares her journey from developing her college list to transitioning socially and academically into her freshman year at Michigan State University. You'll get a front-row seat to the challenges, surprises, and triumphs that come with this major life milestone.

Megan and I dive deep into the importance of open communication between parents and kids regarding college planning, especially finances. We discuss strategies for affording college, the value of setting clear expectations, and the pride that comes with contributing to your education. Megan also opens up about the social challenges of leaving high school friendships behind and the importance of stepping outside your comfort zone in college.

Get ready to take some notes as we share our wisdom on making the leap from high school to higher education.

Please enjoy my conversation with Megan Brissette.

Connect with Paul 

Contact Paul here or schedule a time to meet with Paul here

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And feel free to email Paul at pfenner@tammacapital.com with any feedback, questions, or ideas for future guests and topics. 


1 Big Idea to Think About

  • Engaging in open and honest conversations with your children about college planning and finances early on can greatly impact their expectations and choices, ultimately leading to more informed and financially sustainable decisions.

1 Way You Can Apply This

  • Start discussing college finances and expectations with your children by their freshman or sophomore year of high school. Be transparent about how much has been saved, what can realistically be afforded, and encourage them to be part of the financial planning process. This approach helps set realistic expectations and empowers them to make more informed decisions.

1 Question to Ask

  • How can we better prepare our children for the financial realities of college to ensure they make well-informed and sustainable choices?

Key Moments From the Show 

  • [00:00:06] - Introduction of Megan Brissette, the youngest guest on the podcast.

  • [00:01:20] - Megan describes how her high school initiated the college planning process.

  • [00:02:16] - Megan talks about narrowing down her college list based on test scores and academic programs.

  • [00:04:47] - Megan highlights the importance of open communication with parents during the college planning process.

  • [00:06:54] - Discussion on the need for transparency and early financial conversations between parents and children.

  • [00:09:17] - Megan shares her decision-making process between Michigan State and the University of Kentucky.

  • [00:11:18] - Paul explains the one-quarter strategy for college financial planning.

  • [00:14:27] - Megan reflects on the impact of working and saving money from a young age.

  • [00:17:07] - Paul praises the teamwork and planning that went into Megan’s college financial strategy.

  • [00:18:10] - Megan discusses the transition from high school to college, both academically and socially.

Resources Featured in This Episode: 

Study Skills, Self-Advocacy, and Finding the “Right-Fit” College 

The High Stakes of College Planning for Parents 

The Price You Pay for College: An Entirely New Road Map for the Biggest Financial Decision Your Family Will Ever Make 

Factors that go into Making a College List for Your Kids


Ep. 154 – Two Pieces of Data Tells the World About You


Ep. 152 – When Does a Cost Stop Being an Expense and Start Being an Investment