Ep.65 – Nicole Martinez – Helping Kids Prepare for Their First Year of College

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You may save for years to help pay for your kids to go to college, but what happens when they get there?  Will they have the skills to succeed or know where to find the right resources to help them figure out this new life transition?

Nicole Martinez has spent her entire career in academia helping prepare kids to have a successful college career.  Nicole currently works in the exploratory advising office at Purdue University Northwest.  Additionally, Nicole has taught strategies for academic success and career & professional development courses that help kids develop the skills they need to succeed, such as

  • How to study,

  • Time management, and

  • Test-taking.

Throughout our conversation, Nicole provides direct tactics and strategies for both students and parents on how to navigate this new life transition.  Parents need to continue paying attention to their kids' work throughout college.  It is essential for parents to get proxy rights to access student files which are especially critical when it comes to the mental health aspects of their children.

A critical takeaway from our conversation for parents and students would be this; don't be afraid to ask for help.  There are resources available on college campuses such as career centers, academic advisors, and professors who have open office hours who want to help make this a successful transition.

Please enjoy my conversation with Nicole Martinez.

Resources Featured in This Episode:

Nicole Martinez

Questions to Ask During Your College Search

Mark Salisbury - Walking the Tightrope of College Planning

The College Planning Process Part 1: Cruel Optimism

Student Cognition Toolbox

What Can I Do With This Major

Big Future


Federal Student Aid


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