Ep.90 – Laura Vanderkam – Tranquility by Tuesday: Making Time for What Matters

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Are you trying to find time to do more things that matter to you?  Are you trying to squeeze more enjoyment out of your life?

Laura Vanderkam, an effective time management expert, walks us through her latest book, Tranquility by Tuesday, in which she identifies 9 ways to calm the chaos and make time for what matters.  A topic that we address by asking, how can you ensure you have time to work on your long-term goals?

A returning guest to our podcast, Laura previously did extensive research on the transition from working in an office environment to working from home.  A focal point of this transition involved setting boundaries, a foundational element in her new research in making time to do what matters most to you.

Don't set yourself up for failure was a critical point that Laura emphasized.  By ensuring objectives/goals are reasonable, we can limit the amount of resistance that could be waiting to deter us from success.

Laura helps people determine if something is important by identifying if an event occurs three or more times in one week.  She also asks, if you were on vacation, would you still want to ensure this habit endures?

One of my favorite rules Laura lays out is one big adventure, one little adventure.  It is a reminder that even little things in life, such as a date with your significant other or playing catch with your kids, can be an adventure that makes life more memorable.

Please enjoy my conversation on effective time management with Laura Vanderkam.

Laura Vanderkam

Tranquility by Tuesday: 9 Ways to Calm the Chaos and Make Time for What Matters

Building the Life You Want

How to gain control of your free time


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