Ep.104 – Corrie LoGiudice – A Blueprint for Overcoming Overwhelming Situations for Parents

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How many life transitions have you been through? Big or small? How often? Let's chat about overcoming overwhelming situations.

Corrie LoGiudice has transitioned through abuse, homelessness, and divorce, to name a few life-changing events.  But as a successful career and business coach, Corrie has turned her life-changing transitions into a unique ability to help others through their own life transitions.

As a mother of two, Corrie understands the pressures working parents face, so she developed a concept called the "five Cs" to help parents with overcoming overwhelming situations.  "I stepped down from the family business, decided to bank in on my emergency savings.  I had six months of emergency savings that I was like, you know what?  It's an emergency on my soul.  I'm going to build my business."

Three takeaways

  1. There are "five overwhelming culprits" stealing working parents' time and sanity: clarity, confidence, community, conditioning, and consistency.
  2. Personal mission and fulfilling impact are crucial for parents in their business or career.
  3. Finding the right fit for coaching is important and can be compared to finding the right fit for therapy.  For example, one-on-one coaching is more focused on self-awareness, group coaching is more maintenance and accountability, and Masterminds are better for people who are further along and have done some coaching.

The big thing that stops people from moving forward is fear, and it's ultimately fear of failure, so if you can consciously make the change, it's much easier than dealing with change during a pivotal life moment.

Please enjoy my conversation with Corrie LoGiudice.

Corrie LoGiudice

What's Your Personal "Overwhelm Culprit"?

Corrie LoGiudice TedTalk


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