Ep.33 – Dr. Paula Ruffin – Parenting? It's All Gonna Be Okay

For parents, have you ever thought about how parenting your child has made you refocus your own life?  For Dr. Paula Ruffin, an unexpected pregnancy forced her to re-evaluate her own life, which brought her to the brink of bankruptcy as a single mom and business owner. 

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While not seeking any empathy for being a single mother and entrepreneur, there is a difficult balance to be struck that all working parents tend to face.  In our conversation, Paula and I talk about parenting balance coming from our ability to make decisions (good or bad). And the ability to be able to switch our focus from one person or activity to another as seamlessly as we can.

While convenience may be all around us, Paula talks about how her mother help lead her into the healthcare field because of inconveniences growing up.

Paula talks about balancing parenting with her career, her strong sense of community and wanting to grow the area where she lives and works by partnering with other businesses that want to support one another.  As Paula puts it, you need to like the people you are around to be effective. 

Please enjoy my conversation with Dr. Paula Ruffin.

Dr. Paula Ruffin

Terry Bean – Being Intentional About Your Social Networks

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Dennis Mosley Williams – Being the Light for Your Family

Why I Started my Business


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