Ep. 121 – Debbie Gail – Living in Peace, Not Fear: A Mother's Journey of Healing and Helping Others

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How would your life change emotionally, physically, and mentally after the loss of a child?

Debbie Gail is a strong, resilient woman who has transformed her pain into her purpose.  Her journey began when she faced the challenges of her son's mental illness and addiction, eventually leading to his tragic loss.

Throughout our conversation, Debbie takes us on her journey of finding peace and purpose amidst the challenges of her loved one's mental illness and addiction struggles.  Debbie realized early on that her need for certainty fueled her fear and prevented her from finding inner peace.  

Replacing the need for certainty with a desire to contribute and help others was a powerful way for Debbie to choose peace over fear.  Debbie discovered her true calling - to support and guide other parents and family members who were going through similar struggles.

Three takeaways

  1. Replace the need for certainty with a focus on contribution to find peace and overcome fear.  Giving back and helping others can create fulfillment and a sense of purpose.  

  2. Examine your beliefs and determine what aligns with your authentic self, separate from external influences.  Understand what is truly our own versus what we have adopted from others.  Many of our beliefs come from parents, teachers, friends, or media, making it essential to discern and reshape them to align with our authentic selves.

  3. Reflect on past experiences and activities that have brought joy and pleasure to rediscover your purpose and align with your authentic self.  Replacing limiting beliefs with empowering thoughts, we can rediscover our authentic selves and live a life of purpose.

Waiting for circumstances to be perfect is unnecessary, and Debbie encourages parents to embrace their children as they are, starting from now.  Debbie's passion for helping other parents contributed to her writing a book, Finding Peace and Purpose amidst the Tears, so no parent feels alone.

The most important point in our conversation is this; living in peace and not fear is a choice.

Please enjoy my conversation with Debbie Gail.

Resources Featured in This Episode:

Debbie Gail

Finding Peace and Purpose amidst the Tears: My Journey of the Love and Loss of My Son through His Mental Illness and Addiction

Karen Allen - Stop and Shift: How to Make Life Beautiful in the Mess



Ep. 123 - Bruce Fieler – Life is in the Transitions: Mastering Change at Any Age


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