Ep. 129 - Heidi King - The High Stakes of College Planning for Parents

When is the right time to talk with your kids about planning for college?  Why is finding the "right fit" school so critical, and what criteria do you use to choose it? 

Heidi King has a front-row seat in helping parents guide their kids through the college planning process, especially regarding the tough emotional side.  Heidi entered college advising after a mid-career change driven largely by not finding the resources her family needed as she went through the college planning journey with her two sons. 

Three Key Takeaways 

  1. There are real costs to not finding the "right fit" school.  Transferring schools can increase the cost of college by $14,000 - $24,000.  With 38% of students ending up transferring, it's crucial to consider the 'right fit' before commencing. 

  2. It's essential to start early conversations about college expenses, financial affordability, and how much parents are willing to support their kids. 

  3. The 'right fit' includes evaluating academic, social, and financial aspects.  Considering the learning style, competitiveness, experiential learning (academics), size, Greek life, sports, and location (social), along with the cost (financial), is critical to finding that perfect fit. 

We also touch on why tuition costs have skyrocketed and how the college planning landscape has changed due to COVID-19.  Whether you're a parent exploring college options with your high schooler or wondering when to begin having conversations with your middle schooler, there is something in this conversation for every parent and family. 

Please enjoy my conversation with Heidi King. 


1 Big Idea to Think About

  • College decisions are not just about academics but also involve social and financial considerations. The emotional and financial impacts of college planning, including potential transfers, are interconnected. Striking a balance between academic fit, social environment, and financial implications is crucial for a fulfilling and sustainable college experience.

1 Way You Can Apply This

  • Initiate open and early conversations with your child about college choices. Consider not only the academic aspects but also discuss the social environment and potential financial burdens. Encourage a holistic approach that aligns with your child's learning style, preferences, and the family's financial boundaries.

1 Question to Ask

  • How can we effectively integrate discussions about academic fit, social environment, and financial considerations into our family's conversations about college planning?

Key Moments From the Show 

  • Luxuries and amenities in college education: 02:43

  • Luxury dorms as a marketing necessity: 04:01

  • Impact of COVID-19 on college admissions: 08:01

  • Prioritization of in-state applicants by flagship state schools: 10:56

  • Importance of expanding options for the right fit: 15:02

  • Discussion on financial fit for attending college: 19:09

  • Importance of considering learner type, social fit, and friendships in college choice: 20:19

  • Emphasizing the significance of early college conversations: 29:04

  • Financial impact of choosing the wrong fit school: 31:22

  • Success story of a UPS pilot retiring after 20 years: 36:10

  • Admissions officer's call about son's nursing application: 38:58

  • Recommendation for weekly check-ins to monitor progress: 43:49

  • Importance of planning ahead for high school and college: 47:00


Ep. 130 - Questions to Ask During Your College Search


Ep. 128 - The Days Are Long, But the Years Are Short