Ep. 151 – Productivity and Parenting: Raising Intrinsically Motivated Children

When you think of the word productivity, what is your first thought? 

Today, we're diving into a fascinating discussion on productivity, but not in the way you might expect.  

Recently, I had a conversation with one of my clients about what it means to raise productive children and the challenges parents face in this endeavor. Whether you have one child or several, the struggle to balance keeping them active and not overwhelming them is a familiar one.  

In this episode, I'll share my personal experiences with my four kids and the insights I've gathered from working with numerous families. We'll discuss the importance of helping our children find their intrinsic motivation and the potential pitfalls of over-scheduling.  

As always, I'm eager to hear your thoughts and strategies on this topic. Let's get started! 

Connect with Paul 

Contact Paul here or schedule a time to meet with Paul here

Follow Paul on LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook

And feel free to email Paul at pfenner@tammacapital.com with any feedback, questions, or ideas for future guests and topics. 


1 Big Idea to Think About

  • The concept of productivity in the context of parenting and how it can be redefined beyond traditional metrics like efficiency and task completion to include meaningful engagement in activities that contribute to personal growth and societal contribution.

1 Way You Can Apply This

  • Encourage your children to explore various activities to discover their interests and passions, while maintaining a balance to avoid over-scheduling. This can involve setting up a rotational schedule where they try different activities each month and then discuss what they enjoyed and learned from each.

1 Question to Ask

  • How can I better support my children in finding activities that align with their intrinsic motivations and personal interests, while also teaching them the value of being productive and engaged in meaningful pursuits?

Key Moments From the Show 

  • [00:00:02] - Introduction and defining productivity in a different context.

    [00:01:02] - Conversation with a client about children's productivity and engagement in activities.

    [00:02:13] - Paul's personal experiences with his four children's varying levels of intrinsic motivation.

    [00:03:26] - The impact of summer on children's productivity and the concept of the "summer brain drain."

    [00:04:10] - The balance between keeping kids active and over-scheduling them, and the associated costs.

    [00:05:23] - The struggle with helping children find their intrinsic motivation and the parental role in providing structured options.

    [00:06:01] - Conclusion and a call for audience feedback on effective parenting strategies to motivate children.

Resources Featured in This Episode: 

Dr. Tracy Dennis-Tiwary – Parents & Kids Working Together to be Better Digital Citizens 

Cathy Adams – Parenting With No Age Limits 

Ben Feller – Big Problems, Little Problems; A Father & Son Journey 


Ep. 152 – When Does a Cost Stop Being an Expense and Start Being an Investment


Ep. 150 – Reflecting on 150 Episodes: Celebrating Awareness and Life Transitions