Ep. 150 – Reflecting on 150 Episodes: Celebrating Awareness and Life Transitions

Welcome to the 150th episode of the Emotional Balance Sheet podcast! I can hardly believe it's been nearly four years since we launched our journey in October 2020. Through the ups and downs, your support has kept us going, and today, I want to celebrate this milestone by highlighting some of the most meaningful conversations we've had.

In this special episode, we revisit insightful discussions with remarkable guests like Brian Portnoy on "funded contentment," Dr. Joy Leary on the deeper issues couples face, and Bruce Feiler on navigating life's transitions. You'll also hear about fascinating talks with people like divorce attorney Jim Sexton, productivity expert Scott Hanselman, and renowned author Dan Pink.

Whether it's learning about the concept of "enough" with Carl Richards, exploring parental insights with Josh Brown, or digging into economic complexities with Neil Dutta, these moments have shaped our podcast and provided invaluable lessons.

Join me as we reflect on these enriching conversations that emphasize awareness, life transitions, and the emotional intricacies tied to financial planning. Thank you for being part of this journey, and enjoy our special montage of the last 150 episodes.


1 Big Idea to Think About

  • The Importance of Emotional and Financial Awareness in Navigating Life Transitions: Life transitions, whether expected or unexpected, play a significant role in shaping our emotional and financial well-being. By fostering greater awareness and understanding of these transitions, we can better prepare and adapt, ensuring a more balanced and fulfilling life.

1 Way You Can Apply This

  • Develop a Personal Transition Plan: Reflect on your own life transitions—past, present, and future. Create a plan that includes emotional and financial strategies to manage these transitions. This can involve setting clear objectives, seeking professional guidance, and fostering open communication with loved ones.

1 Question to Ask

  • How Can I Better Prepare for Life's Unexpected Changes?

    This question encourages proactive thinking and planning, helping individuals to be more resilient and adaptable in the face of life's inevitable disruptions.

Key Moments From the Show 

  • Introduction and Reflection [00:00:03]

    • Paul Fenner reflects on starting the podcast and its evolution over nearly four years.

  • Highlighting Meaningful Conversations [00:02:03]

    • Paul begins to highlight some of the most meaningful conversations from the podcast's history.

  • Brian Portnoy on Funded Contentment [00:02:53]

    • Discussion about "funded contentment" and the central question: "Am I going to be okay?"

  • Dr. Joy Leary on Therapy and Deeper Issues [00:04:28]

    • Insight into underlying issues couples face in therapy, beyond surface-level problems like money or sex.

  • Bruce Filer on Life Transitions [00:05:52]

    • Introduction of the concept of "life quakes" and the importance of mastering change at any age.

  • Jim Sexton on Marriage and Communication [00:06:52]

    • Insights from a divorce attorney on why marriages fail and the importance of knowing and expressing what you want.

  • Scott Hanselman on Productivity and Focus [00:08:42]

    • Tips on managing work and personal time effectively to avoid burnout.

  • Dan Pink on Success and Passion [00:10:23]

    • The importance of focusing on what you are good at and what you like to do, rather than just following passion.

  • Carl Richardson on Security and Control [00:12:10]

    • Discussion about the feeling of security and how it's something we can control.

  • Josh Brown on Parenting and Final Moments [00:14:05]

    • Reflections on the fleeting nature of parenting moments and the importance of being present.

  • Colin Roche on Defining Enough [00:16:04]

    • Exploration of the concept of "enough" in financial planning and personal satisfaction.

  • Cassie Holmes on Maximizing Time [00:17:20]

    • Insights on productivity and making the most of your time based on her book "Happier Hour."

  • Hal Hirschfield on Future Self and Well-being [00:18:55]

    • Encouragement to invest time in activities that benefit your long-term well-being.

  • Laura Vanderkam on Productivity and Tranquility [00:20:33]

    • Practical advice on managing time and creating meaningful moments.

  • Neil Dutta on Economic Understanding [00:21:48]

    • Discussion on understanding the economy beyond media soundbites and the importance of expert insight.

  • Conclusion and Thank You [00:24:23]

    • Paul expresses gratitude to listeners and outlines future plans for the podcast.

Resources Featured in This Episode: 

Brian Portnoy - Funded Contentment: Am I Going to Be Okay? 

  • No matter the lifestyle, accent, politics, or favorite sports team, everyone I meet wants to take care of their families, remain or get healthy, be generous to others, enjoy their hobbies, and excel at work. 

  • All these concerns are connected to the biggest question of all: Am I going to be okay?  The question—not explicitly about money, but one which stubbornly sits in its shadow—is posed by everyone from the ultra-wealthy to the just-getting-by, from the retiree to the just-getting-started. 

Dr. Joy Lere – Finding Harmony Between Emotions and Finance in RelationshipsJennifer Dragonette 

  • Most couples think they end up in a therapist's office to talk about sex and money.  But it's really deeper underlying issues couples are looking to hash out. 

Bruce Fieler – Life is in the Transitions: Mastering Change at Any AgeScott Hanselman 

  • Bruce challenges the idea of a linear life and highlights that disruptions can happen at any age, with their pace quickening.  He introduces the term "lifequakes" to describe massive disruptions lasting up to five years.  It's astounding to learn that the average person goes through three to five lifequakes, spending nearly half of their life in transition.

Jim Sexton – How to Stay in Love: A Divorce Lawyer's Guide to Staying Together 

  • Jim's experience has led him to believe that marriages and other committed relationships fail for two fundamental reasons.  One, you don't know what you want, and two, you can't express what you want.  This lack of communication with yourself and your partner is often the relationship killer. 

Dan Pink – How to Create Success for Yourself 

  • Dan's story leads us into an inspiring conversation about the advice we give to our kids and ourselves.  Unfortunately, when we give our kids advice or try to find our own way, asking what is your passion, is not the right question we should be asking.  Instead, a better question to ask is, what do you like to do, or more important, what are you good at. 

Carl Richards – Running Towards the Challenge of Why and Enough 

  • Carl emphasizes throughout our conversation that if security exists at all, it is a feeling, not a number.  The good news from Carl's standpoint is this means we can have some control over it; the bad news, this means it's up to us to learn how. 

Josh Brown – Just Like That It's Over 

  • One of the hardest aspects of being an advisor is providing advice, while truthful and in the best interest of a family, is not one they would like to hear or accept.  Josh does a masterful job of reinforcing this challenge and how critical the family/advisor relationship is. 

  • Josh provides thoughtful insights on parenting and how much closer finalities can be for parents when they least expect it. 

Cullen Roche – The Most Important Financial Question to Ask 

  • The most interesting part of our conversation for me focused on defining what is "enough?" As Cullen put it, if we could simply put into perspective what we already have, our definition of "enough" would look wildly different than it currently does today. 

Hal Hershfield – Your Future Self: How to Make Tomorrow Better Today 

  • Hal delves into the philosophy and psychology of how we perceive ourselves over time, identifying three common time travel mistakes and offering practical techniques to bring the future closer. 

  • "If we start thinking about investments of time, rather than expenditures, maybe we'll start focusing on allocating time toward the things that are more closely linked to our longer-term well-being," 

Cassie Holmes - How to Find Your Happier Hour 

  • Design your ideal week by identifying your peak productivity times, managing caffeine and sleep for optimal performance, and intentionally blocking time for activities that align with your energy levels.  Embrace the concept of "Happier Hour" by making daily decisions that prioritize fulfillment over fleeting happiness. 

Laura Vanderkam – Tranquility by Tuesday: Making Time for What Matters 

  • Laura Vanderkam, an effective time management expert, walks us through her latest book, Tranquility by Tuesday, in which she identifies 9 ways to calm the chaos and make time for what matters.  A topic that we address by asking, how can you ensure you have time to work on your long-term goals? 

  • One of my favorite rules Laura lays out is one big adventure, one little adventure.  It is a reminder that even little things in life, such as a date with your significant other or playing catch with your kids, can be an adventure that makes life more memorable. 

Neil Dutta – How Mainstream Media Mis-shapes Your View About the Economy 

  • My conversation goal with Neil is to help you not accept what economic headlines you read or hear.  Our economy is a complex orgainizm that cannot be explained in a two-minute segment.  This is why I rely on experts like Neil who can help me dig deeper and provide meaningful information to you and families I work with. 



Ep. 151 – Productivity and Parenting: Raising Intrinsically Motivated Children


Ep. 149 – Striving For Efficient Lives