Ep. 155 – Carrie Schochet - Leveraging LinkedIn and Networks for Discreet Job Opportunities

Are you frustrated with your current job but aren't taking the first step you know you need to make to implement a positive change?

Carrie Schochet, executive recruiter and founder of Purple Squirrel Advisors, rejoins us as we navigate career challenges and changes. We dive deep into the importance of networking and making meaningful connections, even in unexpected places. A concept we explore is "net giving" as opposed to simply "networking," drawing inspiration from the book "The Go-Giver" by Bob Burg.

We also tackle the fear and uncertainty many individuals face when considering a career change, particularly when receiving counteroffers from their current employers. Carrie shares her personal experience with this situation and emphasizes the significance of understanding one's purpose and level of commitment to one's job.

There are multiple challenges to managing career dissatisfaction within dual-income families. We cover the crucial role of communication and support when seeking job changes or transitioning careers. Carrie offers valuable advice on utilizing LinkedIn discreetly to signal interest to recruiters without alerting current employers.

Please enjoy my conversation Carrie Schochet.

Connect with Paul 

Contact Paul here or schedule a time to meet with Paul here

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And feel free to email Paul at pfenner@tammacapital.com with any feedback, questions, or ideas for future guests and topics. 


1 Big Idea to Think About

  • The Power of Connection in Career and Personal Growth: Building and nurturing genuine connections with others can significantly impact your career trajectory and personal fulfillment. Carrie Schochet emphasizes the importance of deep relationships in professional networking and personal growth.

1 Way You Can Apply This

  • Invest in Authentic Relationships: Dedicate time to cultivating meaningful relationships rather than focusing solely on transactional networking. Attend events, reach out to contacts with genuine interest, and offer help without expecting immediate returns.

1 Question to Ask

  • How am I fostering meaningful connections in my professional and personal life? Consider whether your current relationships are based on authenticity and mutual support, or if they are more transactional and surface-level.

Key Moments From the Show 

  • [00:12:34] - Carrie Schochet on the Importance of Building Relationships: Carrie discusses her journey and how focusing on deep connections has shaped her career.

  • [00:22:10] - The Impact of Genuine Networking: Carrie shares examples of how authentic relationships have led to unexpected opportunities in her life.

  • [00:35:45] - Actionable Tips for Networking: Practical advice from Carrie on how to approach networking with a mindset of giving and growing relationships.

  • [00:48:30] - Balancing Personal and Professional Life Through Relationships: Insights into maintaining a balance between career growth and personal well-being by leveraging strong connections.

Resources Featured in This Episode: 

Carrie Schochet 

Navigating the Emotional Landscape of Career Changes 

The Go-Giver 

Leveraging AI Tools for Job-Seeking and Career Transitions 



Ep.156 – Dr. Benjamin Ritter – Becoming Fearless: Finding Harmony and Purpose in Personal and Professional Life


Ep. 154 – Two Pieces of Data Tells the World About You