Ep.156 – Dr. Benjamin Ritter – Becoming Fearless: Finding Harmony and Purpose in Personal and Professional Life

How do you find harmony between your personal and professional lives? Do emotions such as fear hold you back from finding your unique purpose?

Dr. Benjamin Ritter rejoins us as we discuss his new book, "Becoming Fearless, 65 Strategies to Journey from Self-Doubt to Self-Mastery."

Ben and I dive deep into the importance of focusing not just on our financial well-being but also on our emotional well-being. Ben shares strategies from his book for creating space for personal and professional growth, including time blocking and how it can help us prioritize the things that truly matter in our lives.

Identifying obstacles that can stand in our way is critical to our ability to move forward and cultivate a mindset of fearlessness and resilience. Ben and I also discuss the idea of "never having too much work to do" as a way to manage our workload more effectively and find a better balance between our work and personal lives.

So whether you're a high-achieving professional looking to redefine your approach to success or simply someone who wants to live a more fulfilling and purposeful life, there are actionable items to take away from this discussion.

Please enjoy my conversation with Dr. Benjamin Ritter.

Connect with Paul 

Contact Paul here or schedule a time to meet with Paul here

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And feel free to email Paul at pfenner@tammacapital.com with any feedback, questions, or ideas for future guests and topics. 


1 Big Idea to Think About

  • Understand the Impact of the Circumstances of Your Birth on Your Financial and Life Decisions.

    Our upbringing, the environment we were born into, and our earliest experiences significantly shape our attitudes towards money, risk, and life decisions. Recognizing these influences can help us make more informed and intentional choices in our adult lives.

1 Way You Can Apply This

  • Reflect on Your Financial Behavior and Trace It Back to Its Roots.
    Take some time to consider how your financial habits—whether they're about spending, saving, or investing—might be linked to your upbringing. By identifying these patterns, you can better understand why you make certain decisions and possibly adjust your behavior to align more closely with your current goals and values.

1 Question to Ask

  • How Have the Circumstances of My Birth Influenced My Financial and Life Choices Today?
    Consider whether your current approach to money and life decisions is a direct result of the environment you grew up in or if it's something you've consciously developed over time.

Key Moments From the Show 

  • [00:05:12] - Discussion about how early life experiences shape financial behaviors.

  • [00:14:30] - The host delves into the impact of family background on risk-taking and financial decision-making.

  • [00:23:45] - A personal anecdote is shared, illustrating how a specific upbringing led to a particular financial mindset.

  • [00:31:20] - The guest talks about the importance of being aware of these influences to make more conscious life choices.

Resources Featured in This Episode: 

Becoming Fearless 

When Does a Cost Stop Being an Expense and Start Being an Investment 

Becoming Fearless Resources 

Live For Yourself 



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