Ep.160 – Dr. Jennifer Dragonette – Understanding the Role of Money Conversations in Relationships

How do you have money conversations with your spouse or partner?  And just as important, what are you trying to achieve by having them? 

Today, we're diving deep into the intricate dance of relationships, communication, and money with our resident therapist, Dr. Jennifer Dragonette.  We explore the importance of understanding each other's upbringing and values, particularly hot-button topics like finances.  

Dr. Jen stresses how curiosity can replace fear in these conversations while sharing techniques to bridge communication gaps and foster empathy by delving into each other's painful stories and experiences. 

Fear and shame frequently serve as roadblocks to open communication, but Dr. Jen offers insights on how vulnerability and openness can help break down these barriers, leading to a stronger, more intimate connection. 

Together, we'll discuss practical strategies like regular "walk and talk" sessions and financial date nights to keep the lines of communication open and reduce anxiety around tough conversations. 

Please enjoy my conversation with Dr. Jennifer Dragonette. 

Connect with Paul 

Contact Paul here or schedule a time to meet with Paul here

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And feel free to email Paul at pfenner@tammacapital.com with any feedback, questions, or ideas for future guests and topics. 


1 Big Idea to Think About

  • Integrating movement, curiosity, and vulnerability into conversations—especially around sensitive topics like finances—can help regulate emotions, deepen connections, and foster empathy in relationships.

1 Way You Can Apply This

  • Initiate a weekly "Walk and Talk" routine, where you set a consistent time to walk a relaxing route, engage in open-ended conversations about finances and values, share vulnerable stories, show appreciation, and consistently build empathy and strengthen your relationship.

1 Question to Ask

  • What steps can I take to approach difficult conversations with my partner using curiosity rather than fear, and how can I incorporate movement to make these discussions easier?

Key Moments From the Show 

  • 04:56 Having kids complicates financial struggles, creating tension.

  • 07:47 Baggage from past shapes conflicts in relationships.

  • 10:09 Working hard to avoid financial struggles, assumptions.

  • 14:52 Define enough, couples' purpose, financial and emotional harmony.

  • 19:08 Understanding each other is key for closeness.

  • 21:25 Reflect on upbringing and values; listen empathetically.

  • 25:47 Feeling unlovable and not good enough. Shame stops us. Unhealthy relationships may not be safe.

  • 26:31 Healthy couples seek openness and vulnerability for intimacy.

Resources Featured in This Episode: 

Dr. Jennifer Dragonette 

How To Stay Connected in Your Most Important Relationship 

Understanding the Emotional and Financial Dynamics in Relationships  



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